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Marissa Madonna

Even at an early age, Marissa has shown a passion for illustration. She can recall spending hours creating and illustrating stories inspired by the many books her parents shared with her. That inspiration has led her to some of her greatest artistic passions, including childrens' book illustration and portraiture.

Marissa earned her BFA in Illustration at the Hartford Art School in Connecticut, where she found new inspiration in her professors. While there, she received many distinctions for her work, including best portfolio in each of her departmental portfolio reviews. She has also had the honor of having her work featured in numerous exhibitions, including the Society of Illustrators Annual Student Scholarship Competition in New York City.
Since graduating from Hartford Art School, Marissa has continued to follow her passion as a freelance illustrator and portrait artist. After completing her first children’s book illustration project, she went on to be featured in numerous publications and television appearances. Her projects have included collaborations with ESPN, as well as creating illustrations for Hartford Symphony Orchestra’s yearly concert production “Tales of Halloween”.

Follow Marissa on social media for updates and news!

Instagram: @marissa_madonna_illustration

Facebook: Marissa Madonna Illustration

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Marissa Madonna

(973) 896-0398


All images on this site are copyrighted by Marissa Madonna, unless otherwise noted. No unauthorized use is permitted without written permission.